Grace ?? Does that mean to all ???
“If you seek the grace of God with your whole heart,
Then you may be assured that the grace of god
is also seeking you.”-Sri Ramana Maharshi
Simple things in Life would give you much more fulfillment that you could ever think of, simple change in your behaviours do have a power of drifting your life incredibly..
“God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that can be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish one from the other”
Divine grace is all that we would have experienced personally at some point in our Long term life.but people don't acknowledge it. They forget the god,the one who is around us.
sometimes behind us for the intended actions we do.
As in my life,I was a Troubled girl until very recently,will be more opt and perfect to say until I met these Avatars.
I came to know about ONENESS at the age of 16, I was a silly troubled School girl, who never had visions or missions in her life. At first I was against Bhagawan, never even thought of believing human as Gods or divine avatars .. I had a millions and millions of questions in my heart, which was to be answered by the people who says themselves as a devotee of Amma and bhagawan....
I humiliated and mocked at bhagawan and amma in several occasions, I even thought every one who says ammabhagwan are Avataar are mean to retarded and treated in Rehab.
To my surprise,a family friend of mine made me attend the Youth course in Oneness university... I didn't like it in the very first beginning and later convinced myself to attend and sat awakened in those classes. It was a 6 days programme...
First day, i was watching the devotion of people around me, I didn't have a grain of divinity in me, but the next day I saw immense changes inside me, i was in love to attend those sessions, Life taught me many highly difficult lessons too early...
I was interested by the Divinity and of Oneness dasas ( guides of oneness ).
I saw unbelievable miracles to the people around me, but i never experienced it as much as other's do.
As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter.
Several ocassions i experienced them in those 6 days. Bhagawan and Amma inside me,talking with a little girl like me,I gave a place to them ..It was such a tremendous flow Love, grace and devotion inside me, I was impressed by his visions,to the very now iam in the process of helping Ammabhagwan to attain their Visions with in the year 2012.
The Vision of them awakened me and gave the impulse to evolve.
Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. I was ready with the open heart to receive.
This is how I find compassion
I stand between a tree and the sun
I remain until I can find the luminescence in aspen bark.
I continue because I seek the core of truth in every being.
This is how I find grace:
I surrender to water.
I surrender to the rock.
I observe sensations on the surface of my skin.
This is how I practice gratitude:
I peel a tangerine.
I give away all it's quarter moon sections,
Allowing the fruit of service to introduce me to strangers.
With open palms,
I walk into the fire of life.
The soul needs no shelter from the sun.
I remember that everything is a part of me.
In my world
I seek the divinity of all things.
Finding an eagle feather on the corner of mystery,
I pick it up, holding it between my body and the sun.
Thank you !!! Ammabhagawan for blessing me with tremendous Grace and fulfilment in my Life, I feel blessed to be experiencing it too early in my Life....
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